Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

OR Gates, AND Gates, NOT Gates

Okay….before thank you for your attention. In this oppurtunity, I will share knowladge about OR Gates, AND Gates, and NOT Gates.
OR Gate
The OR operation is the first of the three basic Boolean operations to be learned. In digital circuitry an OR gates is a circuit that has two or more inputs and whose output is equal to the OR combination of the inputs. Figure 1 is the logic symbol for a two-input OR gate. The inputs A and B are logic voltage levels, and the output x is a logic voltage level. X = A+B, in other words the OR gate operation in such away that its output is HIGH (logic 1) if either input A or B or both are at a logic 1 level. The OR gate output will be LOW (logic 0) only if all Its input are at logic 0. Truth table for a two-input OR gate.

Figure1.symbol for OR gate and truth table

AND Gate
The AND operation is the second of the three basic Boolean operation. The logic symbol for a two-input AND Gate is shown in Figure 2. The AND gate output is equal to the AND product of the logic inputs, that is x=AB. In other words, the AND gate is a circuit that operates in such a way that its output is HIGH only when all inputs are HIGH. For all other cases AND the gate output is LOW. Truth table for a two-input AND gate.

 Figure2.symbol for AND gate and truth table

The NOT operation is the third of the three basic Boolean operation. The NOT operation is unlike the OR an AND operations in that it can be performed on a single input variable. The logic symbol for NOT gate is shown in Figure 3. This circuit always has only a single input, and its output logic level is always opposite to the logic level of this input. Truth table NOT gate.
Figure3.symbol for NOT gate and truth table


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